Sound for documentary film is a skill where typically there are no “second chances.†If you are running after an interview or have a high profile person giving you five minutes of their valuable time and you’ve improperly recorded the audio, you may have blown a key moment from your film. The importance for great audio cannot be over stressed.
Also filed in Sessions
Tagged Allied Post Audio, audio, audio post production, documentary, filmmaking, Geoffrey Woodhall, indie film, microphones, recording sound, sound design, sound recording, Woody Woodhall
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Audio post is made up of several different elements. The simplest way to look at the various breakdowns is the D, M & E. This is the dialog material (D), the musical material (M) and the sound effects material (E). Within those three simple categories however is a whole lot of other stuff. For instance, […]
Thursday, September 11, 2008
OMF files are an essential component for audio post workflow.  OMF or Open Media Framework is a file format developed by Avid Technology as a way to more conveniently transfer digital data. It was originally released in 1990 and then updated in ’96 , it’s a standard and it’s a bit long in the tooth. […]
Also filed in Sessions
Tagged Allied Ppost Audio, audio post production, Avid, Final Cut Pro, Geoffrey Woodhall, independant film, indie film, OMF, sound design, sound editing, Woody Woodhall