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Category Archives: Woody Rave


The year-end Holidays are a time for giving and sharing and also oddly a time for crass commercial pushing of products, goods and services.  In the spirit of those Holidays I’d like to offer some DVD titles that are, in my humble opinion, great projects and in need of support.  INDIE film is a mercurial […]

RAVE: iZotope’s RX Audio Restoration

Ho hum – audio restoration …another audio tool to spend money on that isn’t a bright, shiny, fun toy.  But if you have some severely compromised audio tracks you will be looking for a solution.  iZotope’s RX is an excellent one. I was recently mixing a broadcast project with some serious audio issues.  These production […]

RAVE: JBL LSR 4328 Monitors

JBL professional monitors have been an industry standard for a long time. I’ve owned JBL’s inside of guitar cabinets but have never used them for mixing and monitoring. I’ve had a chance to review the stereo pair of the LSR4328’s paired with their subwoofer the LSR4312 and I have to say that I am mighty […]